
"It's true that so much of the grief journey must be walked alone. No one can grieve for you. But, it takes a village to rebuild a foundation that has been destroyed by a loss that has changed everything".

Michele Deville


During the early stages of grief your brain is under an immense amount of pressure to try and make sense of the circumstances you find yourself in. It is not unusual during this time to experience confusion, brain fog, fatigue, and the inability to concentrate.... more

white labeled book
white labeled book

More so than other resources podcasts can be incredibly engaging, validating and comforting. With the ability to foster a true sense of community and connection. However, their content is of course varied, ranging from generalised grief support, research and academia through to personal stories of loss...more

black and silver headphones on black and silver microphone
black and silver headphones on black and silver microphone
Living Children

Grief and loss story books and activities are invaluable in opening communication and talking in a way young children can understand. They also help release the pressure on parents to find the right words, especially in those early days... more

Journals and Grief Workbooks

Grief journaling has been shown to have therapeutic value and to enhance meaning making. This is largely to do with its ability to help the brain process and cope with chronic stress following traumatic events. For those who already have an inclination to write, a simple notebook may be all you need... more

Social Media

Social media can provide incredible connection and community when you find your tribe. However, it’s in the searching and scrolling that it can also become a space that feels very unsafe. Below is a list of accounts that provide supportive and validating content, ranging from professional therapists through to other bereaved parents using their voice to support others... more

flat lay photography of iPhone beside books and plate
flat lay photography of iPhone beside books and plate
Phone Apps

We are fortunate to live in a time where comfort, connection and support can be found in the palm of our hand, 24hrs a day. We strongly advocate for connecting with other bereaved parents but we acknowledge that there will often be times you will require solitude in your grief journey. During these times, phone applications can help to prevent feelings of isolation... more

space gray iPhone X on blue surface
space gray iPhone X on blue surface
Keepsakes andMemory Making

Although the physical time spent with your baby cannot be replicated there are still many ways to continue to honour and remember your precious baby into the future with mementos, keepsakes and memory making rituals and traditions...more

Complimentary Therapies

Although complimentary and therapeutic services can be of great value, they often come at a considerable expense. Therefore, these suggestions can be implemented as a special once-off experience through to being a regular practice in your healing journey ... more

woman in black tank top and white pants doing yoga
woman in black tank top and white pants doing yoga
For the Dads

It is not uncommon for men and women to grieve quite differently, and although everyone’s experience is individual, there are some common difficulties that are unique to the partner experience. These can lead men to feel misunderstood and isolated in their grief while also having less access to important supports and services ...more

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grayscale photo of person holding baby
Additional Resources and Supports

From E-books through to fitness programs designed for postpartum beareaved mothers ...more

woman reading book while sitting on white chair
woman reading book while sitting on white chair
Support Services

Leading not for profit and support services on hand to guide you with resources, research, peer support, counselling and pathways to professional services... more

person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet
person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet