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"You were my greatest hello, my sadest goodbye, and the biggest what if I will question all my life".

Stephanie Bennett-Henry

Lets Talk About Stillbirth

Every day in Australia, 6 babies are lost to stillbirth. That is one baby, every four hours. It is 6 sets of heartbroken parents, leaving the hospital with empty arms. Stillbirth is double the national road toll. This is not ok.

When I reflect on my pregnancy with Bonnie, I was in blissful ignorance. Losing our baby was something that never crossed my mind. I knew next to nothing about stillbirth, or preventative measures such as sleeping on my side and monitoring movements. And whilst this would not have saved Bonnie, sadly some stillbirths are preventable.

Unfortunately, stillbirth awareness and education are not shared as part of common pregnancy advice. I want that to change. My intention is not to scare mamas-to-be. Through sharing our story and this information, I want to educate, empower and save little lives.

The 3 proven behaviours for all expecting mamas to help keep their baby safe are:

① Sleep on your side after 28 weeks

② Monitor your baby’s movements (strength, frequency, patterns)

③ Quit smoking and avoid cigarette smoke

Above all else, listen to your intuition. If you EVER feel that something is not right with you or your baby, contact your healthcare provider.

Finally, if our story has impacted you in anyway, I ask that you please open the conversation around stillbirth with your family and friends. Everybody has the power to support pregnant women and reduce the risk of stillbirth.

You can find more information about stillbirth prevention through the wonderful resources

Here & Here

If you are in need of support, please visit these pages for help and support services:

Here & Here

By Danielle Paranthoiene, bereaved mama